Saturday, October 25, 2014

Colorado’s new mail in ballot only voting – Ripe For Fraud!

Colorado’s new voting method, mail in only, has a huge hole waiting for fraudulent votes.  Ballots are mailed out to registered voters known addresses.  Many voters move or take trips, such as seniors going south for the winter and more.  This leaves ballots sitting in mailboxes ready to be taken by whomever.  These whomever’s can then fill out the ballots as if the addressees and sending them in.  Rumor mill has it that it is rampant at Colorado State University by some lacking moral compasses. 


Colorado State University in Fort Collins Colorado is already a controversy for voter fraud.  Allegedly last year students voted on campus then were transported to the Hilton Hotel polling place to vote again.  Cushman carts were waiting to take the students the mile trip. 


Officials at Colorado State University seem afraid to help enforce state election laws allowing campaigning by democrat and liberal groups right at the polling stations ignoring the 100’ limits. 


This leads one to wonder what is happening at the University of Colorado and Denver University?


Seems certain Powers love voter fraud as long as it benefits them.

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