Thursday, October 2, 2014

Law Enforcement Officers- Evil or Just People?

“Law Enforcement Officers An Evil Necessity

This is not an attack on the individual men and women in law enforcement.
Law enforcement is needed in any structural society; otherwise the pillars would crumble from anarchy.  So you may ask “evil – why evil?”  Good question!

Individuals who are law enforcement agents are like any others in society some lean “good” and some “bad”.  The use of the term good / bad is in reference to applications in this situation.  All levels of society have those who are deemed good and those bad. 

The position has almost unparalleled power one citizen over another.  It also has relatively little oversight as to its implementation due to the nature of the job.  In recent times oversight has inadvertently improved due to a vast increase of personal digital cameras, video cameras, and cell phone cameras used by private citizens and business security cameras.  Charges once leveled against law enforcement that would have been dismissed as sour grapes or revenge or excuse making are now verified with proof.
The problem has many layers, with 3 main problems.  The lesser of the 3 is the hardening of ones “soul” or “outlook” due to seeing the darker side on a regular basis.  This is more prevalent in the bigger urban areas.  Next, The job has a tendency to draw those in search of power or greed, much like to the other side of the issue “criminals”.  That has been documented in many academics studies.  The main problem, however, stems from Man himself.  Man today has the same base instincts and emotions as he had 1000 years ago and will have 1000 years from now.  That is, unless the Lord Jesus returns and reigns over the earth.   Greed, fear, jealousy, envy, inferiority, superiority, and more can and will surface at any time.  Some are better than others at suppressing these, while others just do not try.  They lead to physically abusing others, lying to achieve ones goals, ignoring the law while the thought “no one is looking”.  Some succumb often, some infrequently but all will at 1 time or another.  This is just the “Nature of Man”.

Understand, I believe there are many good people in law enforcement but even good people do bad things.

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