Monday, November 3, 2014

Major Problem for Ozone Hole Supporters - Lack of Historic Data

The first image has unreliable data.  NASA recognized a problem with technological differences and commissioned Ball Aerospace to develop bridge technology to try and accurately compare 1970's –80’s data to current data.  As of last time checked Ball was still unsuccessfully working on it.  Notice the similarity 1990-2009.


 Here we have another set of Ozone hole images.  Time-series (1996 to 2012) of total polar ozone mean values over the months of September, October and November as measured by GOME, SCIAMACHY and GOME-2 .

 See a cycle rather than a problem.  Appears to be getting to be more ozone layer.  This is all based on Dobson Units, which are measured by different means today than in the 1970’s-80's.  Ozone hole researchers depend on faulty data referring to it a fact.  The only reasonably reliable data is from the 1990’s on.



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