Thursday, October 23, 2014

A Preview of – Slavery is Man’s Sin through out the ages so why the abnormal focus on US slavery?

Almost all societies in history had slaves.  Asians held Asians, Middle Easterners’, South East Asians, European form lands bordering Asia.  Middle Easterners held those from Europe, Africa, Middle East, Far East- continuing after US abolished Slavery.  Europeans held slaves from all continents at one time or another.  North – Central – South American Indians held those from other tribes and later Whites, Blacks and Asians.  Their practice went on after the blacks were freed in the US.  Even today many countries still have slaves although outlawed.

Were the US slave owners more cruel than others?  NO.  On par with many and kinder than some.

Putting aside many of these slave holding societies, why do we not here of the cruel slave holdings of the American Indians.  Bloody and murderous as the white slave owners. Why are we not calling for reparations from the American Indians who raped their white women slaves or beat to death their white male slaves?  That rhetorical question does not deserve an answer just as the black reparations does not deserve the time of day.

Time to put slavery into 150-year-old history where it belongs.  The black community today has opportunity that the 1950 black could only dream of.  They need only grab it.  This is not to say bigotry is dead, it will always exist.  Bigotry is not solely white on black but black/white, black/asian, black/easterner, asian/white, asian/black, asian/easterner, white/asian, white easterner, etc. 

Time to bring rationality and reality to the discussion.

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