Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Is University(College) Needed or is Alternative Training as Valid?

We have all heard the cry "if you don't get a college degree you will go nowhere in life".   In the 1970's colleges and universities started promoting the idea: college or poverty.  It grew and grew with the fall out being the decrease in tech, trade and business schools as well as a huge drop in journeyman programs.  The colleges and universities used the promotion to further their own gains by bolster their enrollments.  It has come to the point where some 25-30%(?) of the students there should not be.  They use school as putting off life or party time.  Some still trying to figure out what they want when they graduate.  
Thankfully the pendulum has begun to swing.  Known figures like Mike Rowe from Dirtiest Jobs are speaking out calling for the need training we have let slip.  He tells of the jobs unfilled because skilled workers can't be found.   
Before you force your kids or you decide your going to go to college be sure that is the direction that is appropriate for you or your kids.  Don't spin your wheels or let you children spin theirs.  Save that money and focus it towards a more productive path to the future.

1 comment:

  1. Are University Studies the only answer? Have to say I think not!
