Sunday, September 21, 2014

Human Hair as an Antenna/Sensor, Look To The American Indian Tracker

The American Indian tracker has long held the practice of long hair as an aid to their abilities.  During the Vietnam War there was a small study done in which the US Army concluded there was something to it and let the American Indian trackers keep their long hair.  Many have laughed at the notion with classic arguments such as: "it's just dead tissue", "it's not connected to any thing", "it's religious hokum".  To those I say Hair is not just some dead tissue lying around on your head to make you look pretty.  It keeps you warm in cold and gives you some level of protection from injury and the sun.  What happens to the hair on the back of your neck and arms when you experience something amazing or terrifying or extremely emotional?  It rises up.  Not some dead, limp, lifeless piece of tissue.  What happens when static electricity levels rise?  Why is it such a leap that there is an antenna quality to hair and the longer the better just like a TV antenna.  The body is an extensive system of nerves sending signals to the brain.  Each nerve sensitive to the surrounding tissue.   The hairs picking up waves, sending that to the nerves, the nerves sending signals to the brain and the brain converting to information.  
 To the Critics - Take off the silly, tight blinders and experience the world of science!  To Science I say it's time to do a true study - discover and cultivate this other sensor we have.

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