Saturday, July 19, 2014

A Tidbit about Diet and Atkins

People’s bodies digest food and absorb nutrition differently so what is good for Dick does not always work for Jane.  I have genetically high cholesterol to the point of doctors concern.  I don't personally buy the cholesterol to heart disease correlation to the point the experts do.  Here is a personally observed view of diet and cholesterol.  Atkins was a 5-year success for me.  As you can imagine my intake of fats and cholesterol were higher but still lower bad cholesterol counts and higher good cholesterol counts.  During that time my cholesterol was at its lowest, lower than taking Lipitor and a Dr's recommended diet.  A friend with diabetes also did Atkins resulting in his having lower cholesterol counts and being able to discontinue insulin. 
Previously I did a very low fat diet that resulted in higher bad cholesterol and lower good cholesterol.  
The body alters its digestion process with changes in diet. 
Many people misunderstand the Atkins diet only reciting the first step.  The steps are 1st a extremely low carb intake resulting in Ketosis for 2 weeks then 2nd adding back in a marginal amounts of carbs while your weight loss is obtained.  3rd you add carbs till you can balance carb intake & maintaining your weight.  
 One should avoid grains and sugars, as they are very low in real nutrition and of coarse high in carbs.  Choose to add back in vegetables and fruits lower in carbs avoiding high carb/low real nutrition like sweet peas and corn.  On the fruit side, stay with the fruits high in nutrition and low in sugars such as blueberries, raspberries and so on. 
It does not work for every one.  The key to diet is finding one that works for you, both mentally and physically.  Any time you hear “It’s the Best Diet out there” keep both eyes wide open.

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