Sunday, August 17, 2014

Ban Sports in the USA - full article

This is the untold story of the horrendous toll sports have taken both physically and monetarily on the people of The United States.  In telling this story it is also a call to arms for a united front to ban these threats to our nation and it’s people.  You are about to be informed of the injuries, deaths, cost of care, cost of lost productivity from participation and second hand participation, spitting, of these sports.  There have been voices crying in the dark but now it is time for legislation banning the Menace to society.
For several decades now organized sports for the youth and adults of America have boomed.  Never in our history have we seen such monstrous physical and financial devastation from the American people at play schoolyard type games.  Sprains and strains, fractures, contusions, abrasions and concussions top the list of sports-related injuries.  Close to 1.5+ million children end up in the emergency rooms every year with injuries at a cost of approximately 1+ billion dollars.  Some 2-3+ million adults also injure themselves.  Injuries in adults not only result in high medical cost and lost wages but also mean lost productivity inflicting financial damage to America’s Businesses and Government Workforce.  This does not include the 1000’s that die from participating and watching sporting events both amateur and professional in the United States alone.
The Sports world has been forced to start viewing the danger.  The new poster child – Concussion.  Sports are feverishly trying to figure out who to deal with Concussions.  Monitoring, equipment, preventative, post care and putting dresses on players.  It’s only the start to a massive financial bleed.  From Concussions it will spread to the other long term injures, much like cigarettes.  Hmm cigarettes in them selves with moderation cause very little problem contrary to popular PR.  Sports the same.  Another parallel?
A step further all the abuses to society by sports players who believe them selves to be something special for playing these kiddies games.  Rapes, robber, drunken car injuries, murder to name a few.  How about assault on fans and reporters as well as friends and family.   This is one that does not parallel cigarettes but goes far beyond in the destructive category.
A further consideration is the bodily decay years later from youth sports injuries.  Knees, shoulders, ankles, feet, and backs that becomes unbearable from damages done years before.  Mature people who can barely get out of bed or manage the stairs in their homes, let alone work place.  That Demon Arthritis preys on victims of Sports Injuries.  Some wear these as some sort of badge of courage even though it was just a silly game.  Many suffer in silence, some to the extent of suicide.

The time has come to legislate away this drain on society.  The physical and financial calamity from 1st hand – participation and 2nd hand - spectation of sports needs to end.  The addiction has to stop.  If you see a similarity to the Anti Smoking Culture – Yes very similar and in the stages as were anti smokers in the early 60’s.  Concerned Parents, Politicians, Momentum and Lawyers will help carry the cause and bring down this trillion dollar behemoth of Corporate America.   Erase the physical and monetary destruction of playing these games.

Do not take this paper at its word.  Do REAL explorative studies cutting through the nonsense propaganda info that has mass accrued.  It will mean a lot of sorting and discerning.  Remember NO SPOON FED THOUGHTS!!!!!!

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