Saturday, November 8, 2014

Fraudulent use of History by Man Made Global Warming/Climate Change Presenters.

Why are others rooted in History not upset and speaking out about the flagrantly fraudulent use of history in their Global Warming/Climate Change presentations? 

 One example, looking at historic temperatures in large mound shapes covering centuries while showing current information in up/down spikes covering decades.  Then saying, "oh look smooth sailing in the past".   

Another would be the comparison of current high tech collection of temperatures with past unreliable temperatures.  They treat the historic numbers as reliable facts that support their claims of less than ½ of 1 degree change in average temperature.  

 The World of Historians should be Up in Arms Storming their Doors Demanding Proper Use instead of this Half-Truth that is Paramount to a Lie.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Boulder Colorado home of possible Mail In Ballot Voter Fraud shenanigans!

Boulder County Clerk Hillary Hall has refused to allow poll watchers to observe the entire signature-verification process

Ms. Hall had prevented poll-watchers from gaining “access to the necessary information to determine whether mail signatures that have already been called into question are in fact valid signatures.”

Marilyn Marks, who heads the Aspen-based election integrity group Citizen Center, said she was stunned by how quickly the Boulder clerk’s office is verifying ballot signatures, saying that they’re only spending a few seconds per ballot.

“They are approving ballots at a machine-gun fire rate, less than two seconds on each ballot,” Ms. Marks said. “They’re not being careful.”

Stalin and the Undermining of the United States of America

Found this floating on the internet.  Not sure of the originator.  Would like to give credit so if anyone knows please leave a message.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Atheists Score Major Win In Federal Court - Opening Pandora's Box?

Thursday, October 30, Senior District Judge Ancer Haggerty issued a ruling on American Humanist Association v. United States, a case that was brought by the American Humanist Association (AHA) and Jason Holden.  “The court finds that Secular Humanism is a religion for Establishment Clause purposes,” the ruling read.

If this holds up they have opened Pandora's box for themselves and we should see the double edged sword swing.  All those religions they spend years getting out of schools now can take the same action against them.  Forcing the Secular Humanism out of the Public School system.  Should be an interesting battle to watch.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Major Problem for Ozone Hole Supporters - Lack of Historic Data

The first image has unreliable data.  NASA recognized a problem with technological differences and commissioned Ball Aerospace to develop bridge technology to try and accurately compare 1970's –80’s data to current data.  As of last time checked Ball was still unsuccessfully working on it.  Notice the similarity 1990-2009.


 Here we have another set of Ozone hole images.  Time-series (1996 to 2012) of total polar ozone mean values over the months of September, October and November as measured by GOME, SCIAMACHY and GOME-2 .

 See a cycle rather than a problem.  Appears to be getting to be more ozone layer.  This is all based on Dobson Units, which are measured by different means today than in the 1970’s-80's.  Ozone hole researchers depend on faulty data referring to it a fact.  The only reasonably reliable data is from the 1990’s on.