Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Real Glacial Melting History ACC & AGW Do Not Know or Ignore...1800-1940's

This is the observed history by professional sea captains and noted geologist, including the Geological Societies.

Monday, February 15, 2016

A Formula for Evidence to Alternatives to Evolution.

Evolution Creation Intelligent Design?
Evolutionist continually ask for evidence of design or creation.  Here is a formula to put them (design,creation) on the same foot as Evolution.  

 The Factors:
A = Nothing  B= evolution  C= Odds  D= Time  E= Unknown  F= 1st definition of Fact  G= 2nd definition of Fact  H= Age of Earth I= Age of Man J= Variables K= Variables (possible errors)atomic dating L= Catostophic impact M= Guess N= Dating O= DNA P=Genomes Q= primates R= Man S= pre man primates T= creative force U= Original Man  V= Belief  X=Error

 The Formula:
D - K = E
U*N - K - L = I*X
A - H = E
N,S - K - J - L = E
(1)U(T * C(E)) = M
(2)U(B * C(10^50)) = M
(1)U = G <> F = M
(2)U = G <> F = M

 The Question:
The individual uses V to choose B or T.

There are 2 definitions of fact 1) F true/proven 2) G facts as given by a witness in a police report subjective/unproven.  Some will call misrepresentation simply because they are unaware of the known and suspected flaws in dating, especially atomic. 

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Ice Core Samples - Don't Blink Because Then We Gottcha! ;)

The game of "Ice Core Sampling" to bolster Man Made Global Warming, Hmmm!

So ice cores hold the mysteries of time and all we need do is drill them and look for a couple chemicals, count the rings and call it good.  Another hole filled experiment, no pun intended.   There are several problems with ice core sampling that these "scientist" seem not to be aware of or just blatantly dismiss.  
Let's start with chemical sampling and it's inadequacies.  Carbonic Acid, Bicarbonate and carbonate are not looked for but should be as they are produce as CO2 is introduced into water lowering CO2 content.  Next, they do not take into account the rate of dispersion of CO2 into the atmosphere during the natural freeze/thaw/freeze processes.   Again, lowering the CO2 content.  
Here is another problem which I have not been able pin down, do they take a reading near the surface as a bench mark or control number due to the fact they know the CO2 in the atmosphere?  I have not seen such a reading.
Greenland Glaciers, Iceland, Antarctica and the Arctic had a large melt off 1800 to the 1940's but it is not accounted for.
How do the scientist account for the melt on the surface under the Antarctica and melt on the surface in the summer.  This also disrupts layers for layer counting.  
Ring counting has another problem in the volatile winter years when there are storms then melts then storms.  Any one that has augured ice while fishing may have noticed the multi-layered ice above the solid ice from the water below.   I have not been able to pin a Ice Core sampler down on these matters making Ice Core Sampling questionable. 
Ice Core Sampling another highly questionable ACC/AGW "Sleight of Hand"