Sunday, May 17, 2020

1968-69 Hong Kong Flu 1 million deaths world wide, 100,000 US deaths, US Pop 200,000,000, death rate 1 in 2000 or .0005% of the pop. (death rate suppressed by millions of vaccinations in the US)
1957-58 Asian flu 1,1000,000 worldwide deaths, 116,000 US deaths, US pop 172,000,000, death rate 1 in 1483 or .0007% of the pop. (death rate suppressed by millions of vaccinations in the US)  
2019-20 Coronavirus 19 through 5/16/2020 309,864 worldwide deaths, 88,668 US deaths US pop 350,000,000, death rate 1 in 3947 or .0002% of the US pop

On the surface it looks bad but let's scratch that shiny surface.  The deaths of COVID are bloated due to reporting methods but we will use them because deaths for the Asian and Hong Kong flu were estimates.  Cases of infected are actual detected cases but reliable researchers have at this time estimated 50,000,000 to 90,000,000 Americans are or have been infected.  The US population is being counted this year and will come in at 330,000,000 to 340,000,000 depending how many illegal aliens are counted so we will use a comprimse of 335,000,000 population.  Now the comparative stats.

Let's look at the mortality rate numbers and the State Governments forced laws and ordinaces.
The 3 viruses listed in order of mortality per infected:

***Since the infected percentages per virus in the US were similar we only needs to look at the deaths to see severity of mortality.

1) 1957-58 Asian flu 116,000 death estimate US per CDC (US pop 172,000,000)
2)1968-69 Hong Kong flu 100,000 death estimate US per CDC (US pop 200,000,000)
3) 2019-20 COVID 19 88,668 deaths US per 5/16/20  (US pop    335,000,000)

***Lockdowns, people forced to stay home, closing of businesses, schools and private organizations, restrictions of movement, infringement of Freedom of Religion and Speech, 2nd amendment violations and more.

1) 1957-58 Asian Influenza - None
2) 1968-69 Hong Kong Influenza - None
3) 2019-20 COVID 19 - All of the above

One other thing shown is how mild the coronavirus 19 is.  The vast majority of cases range from flu like symptoms to cold like symptoms to under the weather feeling to no symptoms.  The actual small death from the COVID 19 appears to run along the lines of a heavier flu season than a dangerous Pandemic like The Asian flu, Honk Kong flu or Swine flu.  Absolutely NOTHING like the Spanish flu.  Does this some what mild virus require all the State Governments heavy hands?  Appears not.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Real Glacial Melting History ACC & AGW Do Not Know or Ignore...1800-1940's

This is the observed history by professional sea captains and noted geologist, including the Geological Societies.

Monday, February 15, 2016

A Formula for Evidence to Alternatives to Evolution.

Evolution Creation Intelligent Design?
Evolutionist continually ask for evidence of design or creation.  Here is a formula to put them (design,creation) on the same foot as Evolution.  

 The Factors:
A = Nothing  B= evolution  C= Odds  D= Time  E= Unknown  F= 1st definition of Fact  G= 2nd definition of Fact  H= Age of Earth I= Age of Man J= Variables K= Variables (possible errors)atomic dating L= Catostophic impact M= Guess N= Dating O= DNA P=Genomes Q= primates R= Man S= pre man primates T= creative force U= Original Man  V= Belief  X=Error

 The Formula:
D - K = E
U*N - K - L = I*X
A - H = E
N,S - K - J - L = E
(1)U(T * C(E)) = M
(2)U(B * C(10^50)) = M
(1)U = G <> F = M
(2)U = G <> F = M

 The Question:
The individual uses V to choose B or T.

There are 2 definitions of fact 1) F true/proven 2) G facts as given by a witness in a police report subjective/unproven.  Some will call misrepresentation simply because they are unaware of the known and suspected flaws in dating, especially atomic. 

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Ice Core Samples - Don't Blink Because Then We Gottcha! ;)

The game of "Ice Core Sampling" to bolster Man Made Global Warming, Hmmm!

So ice cores hold the mysteries of time and all we need do is drill them and look for a couple chemicals, count the rings and call it good.  Another hole filled experiment, no pun intended.   There are several problems with ice core sampling that these "scientist" seem not to be aware of or just blatantly dismiss.  
Let's start with chemical sampling and it's inadequacies.  Carbonic Acid, Bicarbonate and carbonate are not looked for but should be as they are produce as CO2 is introduced into water lowering CO2 content.  Next, they do not take into account the rate of dispersion of CO2 into the atmosphere during the natural freeze/thaw/freeze processes.   Again, lowering the CO2 content.  
Here is another problem which I have not been able pin down, do they take a reading near the surface as a bench mark or control number due to the fact they know the CO2 in the atmosphere?  I have not seen such a reading.
Greenland Glaciers, Iceland, Antarctica and the Arctic had a large melt off 1800 to the 1940's but it is not accounted for.
How do the scientist account for the melt on the surface under the Antarctica and melt on the surface in the summer.  This also disrupts layers for layer counting.  
Ring counting has another problem in the volatile winter years when there are storms then melts then storms.  Any one that has augured ice while fishing may have noticed the multi-layered ice above the solid ice from the water below.   I have not been able to pin a Ice Core sampler down on these matters making Ice Core Sampling questionable. 
Ice Core Sampling another highly questionable ACC/AGW "Sleight of Hand"

Saturday, January 30, 2016

More on Quora - Still shaking my head!!

Ugghhh!  My question on Quora-
In detail, delineate what evidence biologists have to support their theory of human evolution?
I am looking for some specific data not the whole story of evolution or proof of evolution.

So I ask please exclude any evidence related to other animals, insects, plants, etc..
Also exclude anthropology (except biology), archaeology and other soft sciences.

this is the kind of idiotic answers I get:

Don Rolph  2 Views

Hmm as noted, you posed the question in an interesting way, where interesting is a pejorative.
First we can observe evolution in a test tube, in nature and even in humans (c.f. development of high cholesterol resistance in Northern Italy in 18th century).  So the question becomes if evolution does occur, and that is provable, can it be used to support a model of evolution of the various species.  But this rests on an old earth:  4.5 billion years old.  This comes from geology.  do you admit the geologic evidence?  But the geologic evidence rests on readioactive aging techniques for rock:  do you accept modern atomic theory?  And so forth.  More  correctly if you want to challenge the model of human evolution, what evidence do you have that it is incorrect?  Since as noted there is copiuss evidence that it is correct.  The burden of disproof at this point is actually on you.
Written 5m ago

Observations of "I shake my head" :/

I have been on Quora for a couple years now and have made some disheartning observations.   My hope is these observations are not the norm but believe it to be so.  Reading comprehension is abysmal leading to many confrontations.  Then there are too many that do not have a clue to a subject and answer out of Wiki or some source similar.  Those who answer on the popular side of science (right or wrong) like Man Made Climate Change and Human Evolution too often offer up spoon fed platitudes without any data.  They name subtopics such as DNA and Genomes but never go into detail.  They viciously attack Creationist and Intelligent design with insults and hate and refuse civil debate.  On the social science front rewritten history is recited over and over but never really defended.
It is sad to see and frustrating to deal with.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Information in the Vaccination / Anti-Vaccination War.

For your consideration the facts not often discussed from the CDC, NCVIA, VAERS:
A look at the USA and Measels:
current population  319 mil
percent vaccinated 85-91% (depending on source)
negative side effects - 1 in 3000 high fevers and or siezures (CDC stats)
Pop X Vacc % / 3000 = number of fevers and or siezures (siezures and high fevers  can lead to brain damage or death)

CDC does not publish records on deaths from MMR vaccine or long term effects of siezures and high fevers.  Why not treat the data on reactions as serious as vaccinations?
A statement from the CDC: A vaccine, like any medicine, is capable of causing serious problems, such as severe allergic reactions. The risk of MMRV vaccine causing serious harm, or death, is extremely small.
How small?  Number of vaccinated?  number of cases measles?  number of deaths measles?

Mild Problems
    Fever (up to 1 person out of 6)
    Mild rash (about 1 person out of 20)
    Swelling of glands in the cheeks or neck (about 1 person out of 75)

If these problems occur, it is usually within 7-12 days after the shot. They occur less often after the second dose.

Moderate Problems
    Seizure (jerking or staring) caused by fever (about 1 out of 3,000 doses)
    Temporary pain and stiffness in the joints, mostly in teenage or adult women (up to 1 out of 4)
    Temporary low platelet count, which can cause a bleeding disorder (about 1 out of 30,000 doses)

Severe Problems (Very Rare)
    Serious allergic reaction (less than 1 out of a million doses)
    Several other severe problems have been reported after a child gets MMR vaccine, including:
        Long-term seizures, coma, or lowered consciousness
        Permanent brain damage

You have to dig for deaths which shows 108 in the last 10 years of which 96 were Measles vaccines (far more than from measles).  This number is likely low as reporting is voluntary thus incomplete.

As to the 2014 numbers of measle cases were an anomaly as old amish communities accounted for 383 cases (from some 500,000+ amish).  minus that, measle cases were about normal to slightly high

The  VAERS - NCVIA (created by National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act) :
 Number of Reports VAERS Receives
VAERS receives around 30,000 reports annually, with 13% classified as serious (e.g., associated with disability, hospitalization, life-threatening illness or death) (CDC VAERS Master Search Tool, April 2, 2008). Since 1990, VAERS has received over 200,000 reports, most of which describe mild side effects such as fever. Very rarely, people experience serious adverse events following immunization. By monitoring such events, VAERS helps to identify any important new safety concerns and thereby assists in ensuring that the benefits of vaccines continue to be far greater than the risks.

Many different types of adverse events occur after vaccination. About 85-90% of the reports describe mild adverse events such as fever, local reactions, and episodes of crying or mild irritability. The remaining reports reflect serious adverse events involving life-threatening conditions, hospitalization, permanent disability, or death, which may or may not have been caused by a vaccine.

That means 3,900 serious side effects from vaccinations in the USA with deaths higher that deaths from actual measles cases.

When we talk about vaccines the side effects should be included for parents to make a informed decision. 
  I believe in Freedom of Choice, a Liberty some would like to strip with a Federal Mandated Vaccination Law. 

Sunday, January 24, 2016

The New Science for contentious fields like ACC, AGW, Evolution and such?

It is sad that many in the more contentious science fields like Evolution of Man Biology, Man Made Global Warming (Anthropogenic), Man Made Climate Control (Anthropogenic) and so on have gone this route.

Friday, January 22, 2016

This deserves 1 more look - Lover of Freedom!

Rising problems with

Quora is becoming a one sided cocktail weenie roast ruled by Man Made Climate Change Folks or to be PC Anthropogenic Climate Change , Gun Control Freaks, Anti 2nd Amendment, Biology Evolutionist, Anti US Constitution (outdated), Athiest or Agnostic only.  Quora is making it hard for honest discoarse, allowing slander from the above mentioned.  The above serve up platitudes and spoonfed talking points void of evidence along with stinging insults.  There is nothing wrong with these subjects just the rabid manner they are touted.
 Yes, what I had hoped to be a intellectual outlet is but a fly trap for those interested in exchange and knowledge.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Alarmist and the Ozone Hole Mess!

Changes in technology for collecting data lead to uncertain comparisons.
One example ozone data collection leading to the declaration that the Ozone Layer is disappearing and needs for radical protection. Truth, NASA recognized a problem with technological differences and commissioned Ball Aero Space to develop bridge technology to try and accurately compare 1970's –80’s data to current data (pre ‘77 no data). Before 1977 (Pawan Bhartia with NASA) it was an unknown condition. At last I knew Ball was still unsuccessfully trying to figure it out. Further question, why are areas with hole in the ozone not destroyed by the lack of ozone as the pundits depict in their Ozone Hole Warnings?

If you look from 1990 to the present there is little change. Any thing before that is bad data and basically reflects bad data.

Series on Early 1900's Written History ignored by AGW and ACC #3

AGW and ACC believers ignore written history and rely on suspect data as the leg their argument stands on.  With out historical data they have no argument to base any thing on.  Keep in mind climate changes all the time for various reasons. 

Townsville Daily Bulletin (Qld. : 1907 - 1954) Saturday 31 May 1947

ARCTIC CLIMATE'S ALARMING CHANGE LOS ANGEL.ES. May 30.— A mysterious warming of the climate is slowly manifesting itself in the Arctic, and in the Antarctic ice regions and the major Greenland ice cap should reduce at the same rate as the present melting, oceanic surfaces would rise to catastrophic proportions, and people living in lowlands along the shores would be inundated, said Dr. Hans Ahlmann, noted Swedish geophysicist today, at tbe University of California's Geophysical Institute. Dr. Ahlmann added that temperatures in the Arctic have increased by 10 degrees Fahrenheit since 1900. An 'enormous' rise from the scientific standpoint. Waters in the Spitsbergen area, in the same period, have risen from three to five degrees in temperature, and one to one and a half millimetres yearly in level. 'The Arctic change is so serious that I hope an international agency can speedily be formed to study conditions on a global basis.' said Dr. Ahlmann. He pointed out that in 1910 the navigable season along the western Spitsbergen lasted three months. Now it lasts eight months.